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This is an explanation of everything you need to know before coming for your acupuncture appointment.

This is based on guidelines from the CDC, DPH, acupuncture professional associations and Governor Baker’s reopening protocols.




There is a required COVID-19 pre-screening the day before your scheduled acupuncture appointment. 

The day before your scheduled appointment you will receive an email with pre-screening questions.  Within 24 hours of your acupuncture appointment, please respond to this email and let me know if you have any of the following: 


  • A temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher

  • Cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing

  • Fever, chills, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, new headache, 

  • muscle pain, body aches, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.

  • Contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 14 day

  • You have traveled outside of Massachusetts in the last 14 days


If you answer NO to all of the above, please just reply to the email and say: “ALL PRE-SCREEN ANSWERS NEGATIVE”.  You can also leave a voicemail or text me this response at (413) 584-4003.


For all of our safety, if you have experienced anything in the list above, please call to reschedule your appointment.  Anyone who has a cough, fever or shortness of breath will not be admitted, and will be referred to seek further medical attention. 




  • Masks or cloth face covering are required at all times inside the office, regardless of symptoms. If you do not have a mask, one will be provided for you.  I will be wearing a mask as well. 


  • Please come alone to any appointments, unless you require assistance.


  • Please do not bring unnecessary items into the office with you, e.g., bags, water bottles, etc. to reduce any issues with contamination.


  • Please wait in your car until the time of your appointment, as we cannot use the waiting room.  Please call me at (413) 584-4003 at the time of your appointment. To minimize face to face contact time, we will discuss how you are doing (the “check-in” part of a regular visit), while on the phone.  I will also ask the COVID screening questions again.


  • Once we are finished with the phone check-in I will invite you to enter the building and meet me in the waiting area.  I’ll use a no touch thermometer to take your temperature. 


  •  After screening is complete, please wash your hands in the sink for 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer (provided).   


  • Please wash hands for 20 seconds or hand sanitize after any trips to the bathroom


  • Each patient will sign a one-time COVID-19 waiver and acknowledgement from, in person, before beginning or resuming treatment, that addresses the risks of being exposed to Covid-19 and the health repercussions of COVID-19 infection. 


  • No contact payment: Please bring a check or use Venmo (my Venmo handle is: @EmilyCohen-Acupuncture).  If you use a Health Savings Account card I can keep your card info on file and use Square Register.


  • Wash hands or use hand sanitizer as you leave the office.


  • All office surfaces will be disinfected after each client, all linens changed, doors opened for air exchange.  A HEPA air purifier will be on in the treatment room.



Thank you sooooo much! 

I appreciate your cooperation - I know this is a LOT and very different from the flow of coming in for a treatment in the past.  My hope is that with all the safety protocols in place we can return our focus to HEALING which is what this is all about:)


P.S. If you have any questions or concerns that I have not addressed here, don't hesitate to reach out.

Covid 19 Policies

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